Magnus Lindhe

One way of cancelling commands using ReactiveUI

I was looking for a way to cancel a ReactiveCommand<T> in ReactiveUI but could not find any good official documentation on this. Instead I came up on Gluck's solution on StackOverflow (surprise!). This is one way you can cancel a command using ReactiveUI 6:

public class ThisViewModelCanCancelCommands
    public ReactiveCommand<Unit> Poll { get; private set; }
    public ReactiveCommand<object> Cancel { get; private set; }
    private IPoller poller = new Poller(); // Dummy service for example;

    public ThisViewModelCanCancelCommands()
        Poll = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncObservable<Unit>(
                this.WhenAnyObservable(vm => vm.Poll.IsExecuting).Select(v => v == false), // In order to disable button when executing
                _ => Observable.StartAsync(PollHandler).TakeUntil(Cancel)

        Cancel = this.WhenAnyObservable(vm => vm.Poll.IsExecuting).ToCommand();

    private Task PollHandler(CancellationToken ct)
        return poller.RunAsync(ct);
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